The 4 best tools to do a good Keyword Research
To make a good Keyword Research O, in Spanish, keyword search, It is necessary to use some tools that facilitate this task and provide you with relevant metrics.. In the current market there are a large number of offers, most paid, but you can also use some free ones and achieve optimal results.
How to do good Keyword Research?
Thanks to this resource, you will be able to find the keywords that best represent your service offer, for instance. What's more, you will be able to have a more accurate idea of the keywords What your competition uses in the posts and pages of their website, as well as those that generate the most traffic.
What is keyword research?
The Keyword Research It is the process by which it is possible to identify the keywords relevant to your site. Namely, allows you to find the search sequences that best fit the needs of your target audience or audience.
This process is vitally important, since by using appropriate keywords you will achieve greater visibility, which favors the increase in user traffic in your digital spaces. Then, if you maintain an underlying business process, you can turn them into loyal customers of your brand.
Tools that allow you to find keywords
The normal thing is that you have a list of keywords prepared. To facilitate this fundamental task of marketing digital, you have the Google Adwords keyword planner, but also, We present four tools that are completely intuitive and easy to use for any type of profile..
1. SEMrush
This tool allows you to determine the keywords most used by your competition, specifically, the ones that attract the most people. Likewise, gives you the possibility of Identify the strengths of the other businesses in your branch, the degree of acceptance they have among the audience and how well positioned they are in the results offered by search engines.
The application integrates a set of parameters graphically so that you understand, in a better way, the position your business has with respect to your direct competitors. To obtain this information, You will only have to access the website of SEMrush e indicate the URL of your website. What's more, you will have to select the country for which you want to perform the search.
As a result, It will show you a set of indicators and other data necessary to improve your SEO positioning. Once this action is completed, You will have to choose the keywords that best fit your needs and those of your target audience., and design a strategy based on it.
2. Keyword Sheeter
This tool can be accessed for free and you can use it without being registered on their website.. Offers a list of terms relevant to your web property and information about your search volume.
To make use of Keyword Sheeter, you have to access their website. Then you must enter the URL or keywords associated with your publication. This application also offers you the possibility of obtaining information of interest that allows you to improve your web positioning..
Provides a set of its own functionalities, as is the case of word analysis, estimating traffic from other businesses, difficulty results, as well as other relevant data.
3. Ubersuggest
It is a free tool that is designed so that you can find new keywords that have a high degree of quality, taking into account a previously entered sequence. To use it you will only have to access the official site of Ubersuggest.
Once in the portal, it's necessary that Enter the keyword for which you want to find other quality suggestions. Likewise, you must select the country for which you want the suggestions and filter by search engine. After showing you the results, You must select the terms that best fit your text.
This application does not provide information on the number of times a keyword is searched throughout the month. Therefore, you will have to use another application that allows you to check if the keyword What you chose will really generate traffic to your website.
4. Found
Application that allows you to find keywords based on a combination of previously entered words, so you will not have to do this task manually, since he software is responsible for automatically carrying out this process.
To make use of Found you must indicate the words you need to order. Posteriorly, You need to select how you want to combine these words. For the system to display the results, you must press the “Concatenate” button.
General steps to search for keywords with these tools
In general, It can be said that to perform keyword research with these SEO tools, You need to complete the following steps:
1. Indicate the words for which you want to find suggestions.
2. Select the country for which you are searching.
3. Choose the keywords that best fit your needs or those of your business.
To check if the results shown are truly relevant, it is recommended that, in some cases, use other tools to:
1. Know the number of monthly searches that the selected words have had. This is vital to check the viability of your strategy. Without this data you could be applying all your efforts in niches with little visibility..
2. Analyze the trend of this keyword. The relevant sequences change over time; therefore, Obtaining trend data can help you better anticipate the strategic changes that must occur within your business plan. marketing digital.
Searching for keywords or keyword research will allow you Know the terms your audience frequently uses to search. At the same time, You can know the most used by your competition and the ones that generate the greatest number of visits.. In sum, find quality variants for a keyword It is essential to create texts that are attractive to users, and the most important, that accurately represents your search intent, since this concept will largely determine the interaction rate with your posts once they appear in the results.