E-A-T in SEO

EAT SEO; its guidelines and what it is for

Surely you have heard that every quality web page must have a high level of Experience, Authority and Reliability. At least this is what Google's EAT SEO guidelines say.

But, is it really so? do you think optimizing your web pages will help improve ranking in search results?

To dispel any doubt, I have put together everything we need to know about EAT SEO, at least the most relevant 2020, and whether or not we should, optimize our web pages for it.

Possibly, Have you ever heard of E-A-T?. It is a standard that appeared out of nowhere and became one of the most popular SEO indicators of the last two years.. And the funny thing is that, despite collecting the main factors to position web pages in the top positions of Google, hardly anyone has heard of the E-A-T directly, about what it is and if it really matters.

What is E-A-T?

comes from english Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness, namely, Experience, Authority and Trust. These are the criteria that Google considers indicative of the quality of web pages. These and other factors are frequently mentioned in the Quality Evaluators Guide.: which includes the instructions given to human evaluators to grant quality to the search results.

E-A-T is said to be important for content, but especially that content that has the potential to impact on the happiness, health, a person's financial stability or security. Google calls those pages YMYL “Your money or your life” Or what is the same “your money or your life”.

What is YMYL??

Websites with especially sensitive content due to their services or functionalities. O sea, that everything that directly influences people's money and their health is of special attention to Google. Therefore, We can find the following types of web content within this classification:

  • Content that offers legal or financial advice.
  • Health or medical content that offers health information.
  • Any page that allows you to make transactions and enter credit cards and bank information.
  • Pages that ask for private information like ids, bank accounts, driving licenses, etc.
  • Content that offers any kind of advice (house purchases, parents, sons, …)

¿Qué es el E-A-T para un SEO?

How does the E-A-T evaluate web pages??

The EAT SEO gives instructions to explore the content of the web page itself, as well as the information available in other places on the website and on the web in general. There are about a dozen quality signs to look for, but not all those signals are present for all types of content, so raters are often forced to make a judgment call on the final E-A-T grade.

Experience Evaluation

The content must be produced by an individual or an organization with experience, education or other qualifications relevant to the content topic. It is important to note that not all types of content require formal experience.: for non-YMYL pages, life experience may be enough. The example, it can be the content of web pages of specialized doctors, who contribute their personal experience and advise certain guidelines to improve our health.

This experience provided by the author of the content is what users are looking for. your credentials, biography, author's own page, number of articles on this or similar topics, articles on other websites, or perhaps a piece of content that explains how the author became an expert on the subject.

Sometimes, the experience can be evident by the quality of the content. If it is a detailed part of appropriate length, with many examples and references, evaluators can conclude that the content is created with enough experience.

Authority Evaluation

For content to have authority, the content creator's expertise should be recognized by others in the same field and by the general audience. That is why to evaluate the authority, testers need to look beyond the website where the content is located.

The main piece of advice reviewers get about the review authority is to google the author or organization, excluding sources maintained by the author or organization in question. The signs to look for are prizes, reviews and ratings, expert opinions and mentions of other organizations. Wikipedia is often cited as a reliable source for such information..

Confidence Evaluation

Reliability is a multifaceted concept that includes objective accuracy of information, transparency about the organization behind the website and its policies, and the reputation of the content creator.

To assess reliability, testers are instructed to take a look at the original website and see if it has things like the description of the company, the terms and conditions page, the refund policy, Contact information and other relevant formalities.

It is also important to check whether the content itself can be trusted.: if the facts are recent, whether the YMYL statements are supported by references and whether the content is in line with the scientific consensus.

Does EAT SEO give quality to the page and improve its positioning??

Importancia de la E-A-TEvaluating EAT SEO is just one of the steps to measure the quality of a web page. Initially, evaluators establish the purpose of the page, they then try to determine if the page can be trusted (EAT), then they examine the quality of the main content and, finally, check if the page provides a good user experience.

What is the historical timeline of EAT SEO?

The concept of E-A-T had appeared in 2013 and had led a reasonably remarkable existence until his sudden rise to fame in 2018. But, for the sake of being exhaustive, let's start even further back:


Probably even from 2003, there are rumors on the web about organizing some kind of “Rater Hub” by Google. It consisted of recruiting Internet users to work as quality raters and checking their search index.


The instructions given to the quality evaluators are filtered for the first time and, although they are insightful, They contain only the most basic page quality parameters that mainly have to do with the relevance of the content.


After several subsequent leaks, Google finally decides to make the guidelines public, except it turns out that the public version is much shorter than the leaked one. This is also the year the document first mentions E-A-T.


Google finally releases the full version of the guidelines to the public and, From this moment, SEOs are fully aware of E-A-T, but still not as worrying as it is today.


The 1 of August, Google releases a major algorithm update, and all over the web, organic traffic goes crazy. SEO experts rush to find the solution and restore your rankings. They pester Google relentlessly, but Google insists that this is a broad update and that there is nothing specific to fix.

In the early days of the update, it seemed that medical websites were disproportionately affected, and it is verified that in the guidelines of the evaluators, medical websites are specifically mentioned as having the highest level of quality. Therefore, it was easy to assume that the update and the guidelines were directly connected.EAT SEO

It was then when the SEO experts began mining tester guidelines for actionable solutions and, even though the guidelines contained dozens of page quality metrics, have specifically landed on E-A-T. and it made sense, because before that nobody really paid attention to E-A-T, so it was an area of ​​the guidelines where SEOs could see the most room for improvement.

from that moment, E-A-T had gained popularity in the SEO community, where it is now preached both as a way to recover from the August update and a way to get better rankings overall.

Is EAT SEO really important for web positioning?

Yes and no. The concept of EAT SEO includes more than a dozen factors that would actually improve the quality of the page., but only as perceived by human quality evaluators and users in general. There has never been any proof that E-A-T can be measured algorithmically.

What's more, Google representatives have confirmed, at various points, that they cannot track multiple individual signals that are considered part of E-A-T:

QA guidelines are not considered to be something that our algorithms are explicitly looking at, checking the reputation of authors and then using it to rank their websites.

What problems does EAT SEO present??

There are several types of problems with some of these sources of information about a company., about a website, and we need to make sure that we really reflect what we think is really relevant to users instead of blindly relying on some third party.

About fact checking, says in a Google whitepaper on fighting disinformation:

“Our rating system does not identify the intent or factual accuracy of any piece of content”

Freshness is always interesting because it is something natural… we don't always use it because sometimes it doesn't make sense to show people some content about long-term research. Sometimes, we only have content that seems irrelevant to us.

The funny thing is to find an SEO who said: “Ok, we see manyI like it" on Facebook, and those are the pages that rank well…”. But that's correlation, it is not causality. Instead, there is probably something really interesting, and because there is something interesting, then he receives manyI like it" on Facebook, and many people decide to link it. That's the kind of thing where the better content you make, more people will like it not only on Google but also on Twitter and Facebook.

Do you want to know more SEO strategies?

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