Technical support

  • How can I open a ticket on the web?

    In the page Tickets You can open an incident or request that will arrive in the Technical Support mailbox and where we will give you an immediate response.

  • I need someone to connect to my computer and help me solve the issue

    At One Line we have a remote connection support to your computer to install it on your computer.
    You must have Windows installed as the operating system for this remote connection software to work.


  • How can I request a copy of my invoice?

    One Line billing is done through automated platforms and it is possible, although very unlikely, that sometimes the mail with the invoice does not arrive to our client. In this case you can contact us by writing an email to [email protected].

If it hasn't been fixed

Open a ticket for us


  • Web design
  • Web advertising
  • Social Media
  • Ecommerce
  • Web Analytics
  • Web positioning


  • Open a ticket
  • Consultas Wordpress
  • Frequent questions
  • Documentation
  • Contact


  • Wordpress design
  • Web maintenance
  • Web hosting
  • Domains
  • Mail accounts
  • Adaptation to the RGPD


  • About us
  • Our history
  • Success stories
  • Blog
  • Terms and Conditions

  • Privacy Policy

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Rambla de la Marina 245, 08907, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain


C/ Lanza en Astillero, 2, Portal 12, 3A, 28906, Getafe, Madrid, Spain

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