keyword cannibalizations

How to spot cannibalizations on Google

Tools that detect keyword cannibalizations

For a few weeks now we have been using a new method to detect updates on our websites and those of our clients.

This could easily be done with Google Search Console or with another somewhat more powerful tool such as Ahrefs or Semrush., but the idea is to do it in a much more automatic way.

Quitar canibalizaciones de GoogleFor this we can use a plugin for Google spreadsheets, totally free, called Search Analytics for Sheets.

With this plugin you will be able to obtain the best positioned keywords of all the pages of your website, You will be able to check which of these pages are the most relevant and at the same time identify if there are content cannibalization problems.

But to show a button, so we are going to install the Search Analytics for Sheets component in a google spreadsheet.

It is very simple, we open a Google spreadsheet and go to the menu bar and in Accessories we select Download plugins

detectar canibalizacionesNext, we search for the plugin by putting Search Console in the search bar and select Search Analytics for Sheets

Search Analytics for Sheets

It will ask us to validate ourselves by entering the username and password of a Google account, so it is that, If you have several, as is my case, we will select the one we want to use and then we will tell it that we allow access to this tool by clicking on

We do not intend to explain how to solve cannibalizations since it would take us a long time, but we do want you to know a new way of ordering, filter and identify search results different from Google Search Console.

We start the plugin from the menu bar, we are going to Accessories we select Search Analytics for Sheets and we click on Open Sidebar

Como funciona Search Analytics for Sheets

How does Search Analytics for Sheets work??

As an example, we can identify all the keywords that are repeated in a given country to know if we are cannibalizing keywords.

canibaliizacionesWe must be clear, the dates in which we are going to carry out the search since if it is a high-volume website it can offer us a very large amount of data and it will be more complicated to find those keywords that are cannibalized. Ideally, do a search for the latest 15 days by putting the date range in Date Range.

Next, we must select from Group By, the following parameters to filter by Country(the country), the Query(keyword) and the Page(the url of the page) grouping in this way the appearance of our search. We can add Device(to see device types) and Search Appearance(view search appearance), but with the first three we are worth it for now.

We can also activate Add Filter and choose a specific keyword, a specific country, a specific page, etc. If we choose Country equals a ESP will show us all the results of Spain.

The possibilities grow thanks to the potential of the Google spreadsheet where we can select if we want to see the results in the current sheet or in a new one. As well, we can see everything(utilizando Everything) or just the 1000 first results, etc.


Definitely, This is one more tool to carry out searches that could be done from Google Search Console in a different way.. If you want to use it it will save you a lot of time if you want improve web positioning when you handle a large volume of web pages and it is very easy to detect cannibalizations.


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