Web advertising

Why should I do web advertising?

The website advertising It gives us the same opportunity as a street-level store that is very busy and central, namely, have advertising spaces in view of users.

Appearing in the first search results through advertising campaigns will attract the attention of your target audience and thus:

  • You can reach your potential customers at the right time.
  • You will get real-time information on results 24 hours a day. of the day.
  • Internet advertising can be global or geolocated, without geographical or social limits.
  • Use the support that your client uses, we will reach him, regardless of whether you use a computer, mobile, tablet, etc.
  • We integrate interactivity possibilities unthinkable in other communication channels.

There are other types of web advertising and multiple ways to publish ads on the internet, are currently the following:

  • Email marketing.
  • Video Advertising.
  • Shopping.
  • mobile advertising.
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Buy quality links

Whenever you are going to make a online advertising campaign it is necessary to have a previously defined online marketing strategy.

Objective of Web Advertising

Our objective is drive traffic to your website quickly so we will use the search engine advertising. The so-called PPC (Pay Per Click) It gives us the opportunity to be in the first positions of the search engine, in this case the advertiser will pay only when the user clicks in our ad. Search engines will show our ad in searches that are related to the keywords (keywords) what do we use.

These sponsored ads can be text, image or video and usually appear prominently at the top and bottom of search engines or on quality websites, blogs, YouTube, etc.

Our digital marketing agency provides confidence and security to our clients, responding quickly and satisfying your needs, meeting the expectations that we arouse.

web advertising

Get more leads

The way your company communicates with its market niche has become the interaction. Now users compare, analyze and decide, so you have to anticipate them at the right time (what is it when they do a search) and make it intuitive where they browse so it looks like they're not making a purchase or requesting a service.

web advertising, definitely, offers us one more channel through which we can show our brand online. The products or services will reach the possible potential customers, when they search, which gives us the opportunity to increase traffic to our website and most importantly increase our sales.

Through web analytics and the study of competitors we will be able to know what the trends of your potential customers are and we will segment the campaigns to increase your conversions and your sales.

Where does Google show ads??

The online advertising of a website can be divided into two large blocks that are managed through Google ADS campaigns:

  1. Search Engine Advertising
  2. display advertising

What is Search Engine Advertising??

The search engine advertising it is very effective since it is only shown to people who are searching for terms related to your ad.

We will reinforce the image of the company and you will obtain the highest return on your investment. Our goal is to carry out an efficient campaign that satisfies the user's search and is profitable for your company..

What is Display Advertising?

To find out what the display advertising it is necessary to remember those banners that appear in many digital newspapers, that are strategically placed in different sizes and shapes and that serve to display company advertisements or links to their web pages.

These types of ads or banners can be very interesting for websites with relevant content and that want this type of advertising.

Other advantages of Web Advertising

Besides, the website advertising It has the advantages that it is:

  • immediate,
  • quantifiable,
  • measurable,
  • flexible,
  • interactive
  • and…effective.

Do you want to do an Internet Advertising Campaign??

You can schedule a meeting by video call and tell us about your project.

At One Line we can create your web advertising campaigns.

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